Sunday, December 30, 2012
12/30-Dr Carol Scott hosts Stress Relief Radio

Sunday, December 23, 2012
12/23-Dr Carol Scott hosts Stress Relief Radio

Sunday, December 16, 2012
12/16-Dr Carol Scott hosts Stress Relief Radio

Sunday, December 9, 2012
12/9-Dr Carol Scott hosts Stress Relief Radio

Sunday, December 2, 2012
12/02-Beating Holiday Stress.

Sunday, November 25, 2012
11/25-Can stress age us?

Thea Singer - Stress Less
Now, more than ever, people are living through some of the greatest stresses. As many as 8 out of 10 Americans are stressed out due to the economy. Out of that 80%, women tend to be more worried than men, in terms of their personal finances, work, housing costs, and job stability. So, what’s the long term affect?
Stress and aging—an anecdotally inexorable link. We’ve all seen friends become symbols of the phenomenon; indeed, we’re all running from the gray hair and sagging jowls, the papery skin and flabby bellies that would qualify us for the role ourselves. In STRESS LESS (for Women): Calm Your Body, Slow Aging, and Rejuvenate the Mind in 5 Simple Steps [Plume; January 2012; ISBN: 978-0-452-29765-4] we learn about the new studies that show that chronic stress may actually gnaw away at our DNA, speeding up the rate at which our cells age by a shocking 10 years or more. The find gave scientific credence to a truth those of us over 25 have known in our bones (and hearts and multiple other organs) for years.
The amount of stress people feel they are under, correlate with how close to the end their cells might be. That means that each of us holds the antidote — the ability to slow that unsightly ripening — in our own hands, or more precisely in our brains and bodies.
But wait, we protest. We’ve tried so hard to be good: We eat right to stay slim and exercise to keep our hearts and muscles strong. What gives?
The truth is, all along we may have been targeting the wrong villains, those we can see—calories, carbs, fat, couch-potato-ness-rather than one that gets under the skin (and radar); Stress.
In STRESS LESS (for Women), we are given the tools to start influencing where we stand on the aging spectrum. We learn how crucial having a sense of control is in reducing stress- and how crucial reducing stress is to slowing the aging process, all the way down to the DNA in our cells. Stress maybe the new biological clock-but we also hold within us the means to slow and even rewind its springs. We have the ability to change how we perceive the world.
Thea Singer has written about health and science for more than three decades. A contributor to More, O, The Oprah Magazine, Natural Health, Boston , and The Nation, her byline has also appeared in newspapers such as The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and The Boston Herald. She lives in Brookline , Massachusetts .
“A gem. Beautiful science and practical, helpful, lifechanging information.”
— Chistiane Northrup,M.D., New York Times bestselling author of
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdon
STRESS LESS (for Women)
Plume ▪ On sale January 2012
$16.00 ▪ ISBN: 978-0-452-29765-4
Sunday, November 18, 2012
11/18-Suvir Saran, Top Chef Masters
Viewing the kitchen as both a culinary and spiritual haven, New Delhi-born chef Suvir Saran has nurtured a lifelong passion for the traditional flavors of Indian cooking, which has lead him to become an accomplished chef, cookbook author, educator, and organic farmer.
Saran shares the authentic flavors of Indian home cooking as the Executive Chef at Devi in New York City, earning three stars fromNew York magazine, two stars from The New York Times, and is the only U.S. Indian restaurant to have earned a Michelin star.
A respected culinary authority, Saran is Chairman of Asian Culinary Studies for The Culinary Institute of America, was a speaker for the CIA and Harvard Medical School Osher Institute’s “Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives” conference and has participated in culinary festivals around the world.
Renowned for his accessible approach to Indian flavors and techniques, Saran’s cookbooks include “Indian Home Cooking: A Fresh Introduction to Indian Food, with More Than 150 Recipes” (Clarkson Potter, 2004) and “American Masala: 125 New Classics From My Home Kitchen” (Clarkson Potter, 2007). In November 2010, Saran was the only U.S.-based contributor to the largest Indian cookbook ever published, “India Cookbook,” (Phaidon Press, 2010).
When not on the road, Saran and partner Charlie Burd live and care for American Masala Farm, a nineteenth century farm in upstate New York, with their heritage breed animals and pets.
For more information about Suvir Saran or Devi please contact Chloe Mata Crane (cmcrane@baltzco.com) or Rachel Wormser (rwormser@baltzco.com) at Baltz & Company, 212.982.8300
Sunday, November 11, 2012
11/11-Resilience: Dealing with the Trauma of Natural disasters including Politics!
Steven M. Southwick, MD
We all respond to stress, trauma, and abuse very differently. The study of resilience seeks to explain why some people suffer debilitating disabilities such as post traumatic stress disorder while others with the same experience have only mild psychological symptoms that quickly disappear. In his new book, Resilience; The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges. , Yale researcher Steven M. Southwickexplore complex genetic, developmental, and environmental factors that can increase the risk of or protect against depression in the face of stress, adversity and trauma.
We all respond to stress, trauma, and abuse very differently. The study of resilience seeks to explain why some people suffer debilitating disabilities such as post traumatic stress disorder while others with the same experience have only mild psychological symptoms that quickly disappear. In his new book, Resilience; The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges. , Yale researcher Steven M. Southwickexplore complex genetic, developmental, and environmental factors that can increase the risk of or protect against depression in the face of stress, adversity and trauma.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
11/4-Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and POSITIVITY
How positive are u? take the test.

Barbara Fredrickson is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and principal investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory (a.k.a. PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research reveals how positive emotions, fleeting as they are, can tip the scales toward a life of flourishing.
Winner of several awards for her research and teaching – including the American Psychological Association’s inaugural Templeton Prize in Positive Psychology and the Society of Experimental Social Psychology’s Career Trajectory Award – Barb created her broaden-and-build theory to describe how positive emotions evolved for our human ancestors and how, today, they vitally shape people’s health and well-being.
Barb’s scientific contributions have influenced scholars and practitioners worldwide, in disciplines ranging from education to business and beyond. Her research has been featured in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, CNN, PBS, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, Oprah Magazine, and elsewhere. In May 2010, she was invited to brief His Holiness the Dalai Lama on her research.
Barb lives with her husband and two sons in Carrboro, North Carolina, where she continually seeks out new ways to raise her positivity ratio.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
10/28-Stress and Headaches: Prevention and Solutions for Everyday Living

The Migraine Solution, a new book written by Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital associated physicians Elizabeth Loder, MD, MPH, and Paul Rizzoli, MD, is geared towards a headache sufferer or a concerned family member, and explores new research related to migraines and their treatment, as well as clarifying many of the myths surrounding headache management.
"The Migraine Solution contains everything we would tell our patients about headache if we had the time with each one,” says Dr. Rizzoli. "This includes practical advice about the problem, the treatments, lifestyle issues, and how to get help." Rizzoli states that many headache books for the general reader tend to have a "hook", like claiming that a patient can do something themselves to manage headache, like diet. However, headache is often more complicated than that. "At Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital, we believe that a partnership approach, which emphasizes that the physician and the patient both have a role to play in migraine management, is often the most effective type of treatment plan in battling migraine,” continues Dr. Rizzoli.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Dr. Rosalene Glickman is the international best-selling author of ?Optimal Thinking.? She is the President of The World Academy of Personal Development Inc., a Los Angeles training and consulting firm, and specializes in individual and organizational optimization. Dr. Glickman provides coaching and training for individuals and organizations including Johnson & Johnson, U.S. Army, BP, Young Presidents Organization, UCLA, and Air New Zealand. She has been featured on Bloomberg TV, Fox News Channel, CBS Weekend Magazine, USA Today, Forbes, Woman's World and other major media. You can reach her at 310-461-1446
Stress and debates: Optimal Thinking expert, Dr. Rosalene Glickman will discuss the tactics employed by the presidential candidates during the debates. She will contrast the impact of of aggressive versus assertive verbal and non-verbal behaviors, including interruptions, invasion of personal space, and body language. Citing specific examples of negative, mediocre, extraordinary and optimal thinking, she will discuss who resorted to fear tactics, who honored or pandered to the mainstream, who displayed innovative thinking, and ultimately which statements were on track to create the best possible America.
Stress and debates: Optimal Thinking expert, Dr. Rosalene Glickman will discuss the tactics employed by the presidential candidates during the debates. She will contrast the impact of of aggressive versus assertive verbal and non-verbal behaviors, including interruptions, invasion of personal space, and body language. Citing specific examples of negative, mediocre, extraordinary and optimal thinking, she will discuss who resorted to fear tactics, who honored or pandered to the mainstream, who displayed innovative thinking, and ultimately which statements were on track to create the best possible America.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
10/14-Stress Due to End of Life Decision Making
Viki Kind is
a clinical bioethicist, medical educator and hospice volunteer. Her award winning book, “The Caregiver’s Path
to Compassionate Decision Making: Making
Choices for Those Who Can't,” guides families and professionals through the
difficult process of making decisions for those who have lost capacity. Viki is an honorary board member of the Well
Spouse Association and has been a caregiver for many years for four members of
her family.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
10/07-Exercise is Medicine

Phillipsfounded and directs The Institute of Lifestyle Medicine (ILM) in the Departmentof Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at
Additionally,Phillips is a Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM) and serveson the Executive Council that developed and leads the Exercise is Medicine™ global initiative. He is co-author ofACSM’sExercise is Medicine™, The Clinician'sGuide to the Exercise Prescription (Lippincott,2009) and is chair of theExercise isMedicine Education Committee.
Phillips is anactive clinician and researcher who speaks and consults nationally guiding a broadbased effort to reduce lifestyle-related death, disease, and costs throughclinician directed interventions with patients. The President’s Council onFitness, Sports and Nutrition has recognized both Dr. Phillips and the ILM withits Community Leadership Award. He appears on national media including GoodMorning America, ESPN radio, and in Time Magazine.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
9/30-Dr. Linnda Durre and Surviving the Toxic Workplace
Listen to Dr. Linnda Durre talk about her book, Surviving the Toxic Workplace and find successful strategies that can help you deal with problems and issues you could possibly face in the workplace.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
9/23-Mindful Self-Compassion
Christopher Germer, PhD, Harvard Faculty and clinical psychotherapist discusses his book, The Mindful Path to Self- Compassion: Freeing Yourself From Destructive Thoughts and Emotions.
Mindful self-compassion is the foundation of emotional healing—being aware in the present moment when we're struggling with feelings of inadequacy, despair, confusion, and other forms of stress (mindfulness) and responding with kindness and understanding (self-compassion). Mindful self-compassion also means holding difficult emotions—fear, anger, sadness, shame and self-doubt—in loving awareness, leading to greater ease and well-being in our daily lives. Mindful self-compassion can be learned by anyone. It’s the practice of repeatedly evoking good will toward ourselves especially when we’re suffering—cultivating the same desire that all living beings have to live happily and free from suffering.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
9/16- Diabetes and Nutrition
Have you considered a plant based diet? Registered Dietician Joseph Gonzales discusses stress and nutrition with a focus on diabetes.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
9/09-A Fresh Start for a Stress Free Fall
Julie Morgenstern, the "queen of putting people’s lives in order”, is an organizer and time management expert. She discusses her book, SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life: A Four-Step Guide to Getting Unstuck. Julie provides practical solutions on how to shed the physical, mental and schedule clutter that holds us back in our daily life and gives us advice on how to move forward!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
9/02-Suvir Saran, Top Chef Masters

Viewing the kitchen as both a culinary and spiritual haven, New Delhi-born chef Suvir Saran has nurtured a lifelong passion for the traditional flavors of Indian cooking, which has lead him to become an accomplished chef, cookbook author, educator, and organic farmer.
Saran shares the authentic flavors of Indian home cooking as the Executive Chef at Devi in New York City, earning three stars from New York magazine, two stars from The New York Times, and is the only U.S. Indian restaurant to have earned a Michelin star.
A respected culinary authority, Saran is Chairman of Asian Culinary Studies for The Culinary Institute of America, was a speaker for the CIA and Harvard Medical School Osher Institute’s “Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives” conference and has participated in culinary festivals around the world.
Renowned for his accessible approach to Indian flavors and techniques, Saran’s cookbooks include “Indian Home Cooking: A Fresh Introduction to Indian Food, with More Than 150 Recipes” (Clarkson Potter, 2004) and “American Masala: 125 New Classics From My Home Kitchen” (Clarkson Potter, 2007). In November 2010, Saran was the only U.S.-based contributor to the largest Indian cookbook ever published, “India Cookbook,” (Phaidon Press, 2010).
Saran shares the authentic flavors of Indian home cooking as the Executive Chef at Devi in New York City, earning three stars from New York magazine, two stars from The New York Times, and is the only U.S. Indian restaurant to have earned a Michelin star.
A respected culinary authority, Saran is Chairman of Asian Culinary Studies for The Culinary Institute of America, was a speaker for the CIA and Harvard Medical School Osher Institute’s “Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives” conference and has participated in culinary festivals around the world.
Renowned for his accessible approach to Indian flavors and techniques, Saran’s cookbooks include “Indian Home Cooking: A Fresh Introduction to Indian Food, with More Than 150 Recipes” (Clarkson Potter, 2004) and “American Masala: 125 New Classics From My Home Kitchen” (Clarkson Potter, 2007). In November 2010, Saran was the only U.S.-based contributor to the largest Indian cookbook ever published, “India Cookbook,” (Phaidon Press, 2010).
Sunday, August 26, 2012
8/26-Toxic People

I'm sure we all have someone in our life that we believe their only purpose is to drives us crazy! Is there someone who gives you low self-esteem, only talks about themselves or just makes you plain miserable? These are TOXIC people. Dr. Lillian Glass discusses her book, Toxic People: 10 Ways of Dealing With People Who Make Your Life Miserable, and provides tips and techniques on how to handle these type of people.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
8/19-Stress, Sleep, and Health
According to Dr. Lawrence Epstein, recent President of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and author of The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep, sleeping is as important to health and well being as diet and exercise. However, as we are constantly bombarded with commercials for sleep medications, it is clear that America is having a difficult time getting a good night’s sleep.
One of the nation’s premiere sleep experts, Dr. Epstein arms readers with his proven, six-step plan to improve sleep. He presents tips for dealing with common issues such as insomnia, disrupted sleep, daytime exhaustion, restlessness, sleepwalking, and the many other chronic sleep conditions suffered by more than 70 million Americans.
In addition, The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep offers readers advice on how to silence snoring, help their children go to sleep and stay asleep, handle jet lag, cope with shift work, and stay awake at the wheel. Those who have trouble sleeping will find that they don’t necessarily need to take a pill to fall and stay asleep.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
8/12-You're On Your Own, But I'm Here If You Need Me

You can't run your child's race, but you can be there if they stumble. Marjorie Savage, the Parent Program Director at the University of Minnesota, shares advice for parents and young adults on how to transition from home to a new school.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
8/5-Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and POSITIVITY

We all know what negativity is and how it affects us, but what about positivity? Dr. Barbara Fredrickson tells us how positivity can enhance your relationships and drastically improve your health.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
7/29-Bob Dvorchak: Game Over: Jerry Sandusky, Penn State, and the Culture of Silence

Bob Dvorchak digs deep and investigates the horrific scandal of the year. He reveals shocking stories of how Penn State's once beloved legendary football coach turned his cheek on morals and allowed children to suffer when there were so many opportunities to end it all.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
7/22-Face it: What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change

Sunday, July 15, 2012
7/15-Stress Puts You At Risk For Heart Disease

Sunday, July 8, 2012
7/8-Dr. Linnda Durré and Surviving the Toxic Workplace

Sunday, July 1, 2012
7/01-Parenting Without Stress

Sunday, June 24, 2012
6/24-Can Women REALLY Have it All?
The job, family, self care and everything else! What does work-life balance REALLY mean? Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter in the Atlantic Magazine a couple days ago gave her answer: a resounding NO! Princeton University professor, Public Policy scholar and public servant shared her story; and its generated lots of conversation. But its not your mother’s conversation anymore, or is it? Perhaps you can recall your Mom chiding you,”...just because you can do it doesn't mean you should!”
This week's show is a conversation for YOU. We will talk about the issue and an alternative way to think about all this. Listen then join the ongoing conversation on www.facebook.com/stressreliefradio.
If you want to learn more about how to have it all, check out Optimal Stress: Living in Your BestStress Zone (John Wiley 2009) http://amzn.to/MtMu0r
Sunday, June 17, 2012
6/17-Need a new, better, different JOB?

Sunday, June 10, 2012
6/10-Need a new, better, different JOB?
Paul Hill - The Panic Free Job Search
Be a candidate NOT an applicant according to Paul Hill. Take the stress out of your job search! Hill is recognized as a new breed of job search expert by his loyal followers, dedicated to guiding and educating professionals to be proactive about career management by adopting professional Internet branding best practices. He is impacting the lives of displaced, fired, professionals as well as new grads and the underemployed through his work at TransitionToHired. His coaching and products including his ground breaking “Be Irresistible: Get Found, Get Hired” a step-by-step guide to proactive virtual job search.
Be a candidate NOT an applicant according to Paul Hill. Take the stress out of your job search! Hill is recognized as a new breed of job search expert by his loyal followers, dedicated to guiding and educating professionals to be proactive about career management by adopting professional Internet branding best practices. He is impacting the lives of displaced, fired, professionals as well as new grads and the underemployed through his work at TransitionToHired. His coaching and products including his ground breaking “Be Irresistible: Get Found, Get Hired” a step-by-step guide to proactive virtual job search.
Friday, June 1, 2012
6/3-Continuous Partial Attention Disorder
The answer is yes if you keep your devices constantly 'on' because of fear of missing something....anything that might be sent to you via text, email, phone, tweets....you get the picture. Learn why this is stressful and lifesaving solutions with our guest Linda Stone, creator of the Attention Project.
Widely recognized as a visionary thinker and thought leader, Linda Stone is a writer, speaker and consultant focused on innovation and the physicology of our relationship with technology and how our relationship with technology can evolve.
Articles on her work have appeared in the New York Times, Newsweek, The Economist, Boston Globe, Harvard Business Review, and hundreds of blogs. She has spoken at Supernova, the ETech conference, GEL, the Collaborative Technologies Technologies Conference, the Hidden Brain Task Force for the Center for Work-Life Policy, and to executives at companies such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, Edelman. She was invited by Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to speak to the Medici gathering of positive psychologists, an invitation-only gathering of leaders in this field.
Previously, she spent close to twenty years as an executive in high technology. In 1986, she was persuaded to join Apple Computer to help “change the world.” In her 7+ years at Apple, she had the opportunity to do pioneering work in multimedia hardware, software and publishing. In her last year at Apple, Stone worked for Chairman and CEO John Sculley on special projects. In 1993, Stone joined Microsoft Research under Nathan Myhrvold and Rick Rashid. She co-founded and directed the Virtual Worlds Group/Social Computing Group, researching online social life and virtual communities. During this time, she also taught as adjunct faculty in NYU’s prestigious Interactive Telecommunications Program. In 2000, CEO Steve Ballmer tapped Stone to take on a VP role, reporting to him, to help improve industry relationships and contribute to a constructive evolution of the corporate culture. She retired from Microsoft in 2002.
Over the years, Stone has been recognized by Upside Magazine as one of the Upside 100 Leaders of the Digital Revolution, by I.D. Magazine as one of the I.D. 40, and she was featured in John Brockman’s book, THE DIGERATI, which described her as a visionary both within Microsoft and to the industry at large.
Stone serves on a variety of Advisory Boards, including: Chill.com, Jillslist.com, Orchestra.com, Semi-Linear, Vigilo Networks, and others.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
5/27-Exercise is Medicine
Edward M. Phillips, MD - Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitationat Harvard MedicalSchool and Director of OutpatientMedical Services of the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network in Boston, Massachusetts
Phillipsfounded and directs The Institute of Lifestyle Medicine (ILM) in the Departmentof Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation atHarvard Medical School ,www.instituteoflifestylemedicine.org.
Additionally,Phillips is a Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM) and serveson the Executive Council that developed and leads the Exercise is Medicine™ global initiative. He is co-author ofACSM’sExercise is Medicine™, The Clinician'sGuide to the Exercise Prescription (Lippincott,2009) and is chair of theExercise isMedicine Education Committee.
Phillips is anactive clinician and researcher who speaks and consults nationally guiding a broadbased effort to reduce lifestyle-related death, disease, and costs throughclinician directed interventions with patients. The President’s Council onFitness, Sports and Nutrition has recognized both Dr. Phillips and the ILM withits Community Leadership Award. He appears on national media including GoodMorning America, ESPN radio, and in Time Magazine.
Phillipsfounded and directs The Institute of Lifestyle Medicine (ILM) in the Departmentof Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at
Additionally,Phillips is a Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM) and serveson the Executive Council that developed and leads the Exercise is Medicine™ global initiative. He is co-author ofACSM’sExercise is Medicine™, The Clinician'sGuide to the Exercise Prescription (Lippincott,2009) and is chair of theExercise isMedicine Education Committee.
Phillips is anactive clinician and researcher who speaks and consults nationally guiding a broadbased effort to reduce lifestyle-related death, disease, and costs throughclinician directed interventions with patients. The President’s Council onFitness, Sports and Nutrition has recognized both Dr. Phillips and the ILM withits Community Leadership Award. He appears on national media including GoodMorning America, ESPN radio, and in Time Magazine.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
5/20- Dr. "ROADMAP"
David, DR. ROADMAP, Rizzo burst upon the traffic scene in late 1987 as the first person in Los Angeles to offer alternate routes to motorists who were sick and tired of being stuck in traffic. In 1990 he released the most comprehensive guide ever written of off-freeway commuting in Southern California. The following year he became the first traffic reporter to offer daily alternate routes in real time over the air on one of the most popular morning radio shows in Los Angeles. Dr. Roadmap continues to provide “commute management” solutions with the 2006 release of his book, "Survive the Drive! How to Beat Freeway Traffic in Southern California," his numerous media appearances, and as one of the more popular public speakers on the topic of driving stress.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
5/13-Mindful Living

Dr. Cheung's research and work focus on the translation of scientific knowledge of nutrition and physical activity to promote healthy eating and active living for chronic disease prevention.
She is a Co-Investigator at the Harvard Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity. She was the Principal Investigator of the Qualitative Study on CDC's School Health Index, which assessed its receptivity and impact with schools, funded by the CDC and American Schools of Public Health. She was the co-Principal Investigator of Eat Well & Keep Moving, a study funded by the Walton Family Foundation to evaluate the impact of an interdisciplinary school-based program to promote nutrition and physical activity in upper elementary students. She was the co-Principal Investigator of Treatwell 5 A Day, a study funded by the National Cancer Institute to promote fruits and vegetable consumption in worksites. She was also Director of Nutrition and Fitness at the Center for Health Communication.
To further advance scientific knowledge translation to the public, Dr. Cheung has worked closely with the mass media as a resource to help improve the quality of media content. She is currently the Editorial Director of the Department's nutrition website, The Nutrition Source and the Co-Editorial Director of a new website focused on obesity. She also co-edited Child Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity (1995) with the late former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Julius Richmond, and she coauthoredEat Well & Keep Moving (2001, 2007), a nationally and internationally disseminated school-based nutrition and physical activity program for upper elementary school children. To engage a wider lay audience, she coauthored Be Healthy! It's A Girl Thing: Food, Fitness and Feeling Great! (2003), a book written for adolescent girls to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Her book, Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life, coauthored with Zen Buddhist master, Thich Nhat Hanh (Harper Collins, 2010), teaches readers how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise, and all facets of daily life.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
5/06-Mindful Living
Dr. Lilian Cheung - Director of Health Promotion & Communication at the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Nutrition
Dr. LilianCheung is Lecturer and Director of Health Promotion & Communication at theHarvard School of Public Health’s Department of Nutrition. She is the EditorialDirector of The Nutrition Source website (www.thenutritionsource.org),Harvard School of Public Health’s nutrition website for health professionals,media and consumers. She is also theco-editorial director of a new Harvard School of Public Health website, Obesity Prevention Source (www.obesitypreventionsource.org),a website providing science based information for policy changes at thecommunity, agencies and corporate levels. Her work focuses on the translation of science-basedrecommendations into public health communications and programs, to promotehealthy lifestyles for chronic disease prevention and control.
Sheis the co-Principal Investigator and co-author of Eat Well & Keep Moving (2001, 2nd edition 2007), awidely disseminated school-based nutrition and physical activity program forupper elementary school children that is currently used across the U.S. andinternationally. She is a Co-Investigatorat the CDC Harvard Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and PhysicalActivity.
Sheco-edited Child Health, Nutrition andPhysical Activity (1995) with the late Surgeon General Dr. Julius Richmond,and co-authored Be Healthy! It’s A Girl Thing: Food, Fitness and FeelingGreat! (2003, 2nd edition 2010), a book written for adolescentgirls.
Herlatest book Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life isco-authored with Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh which has already been acquiredfor translation in 15 countries.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
4/29-Dr. Linnda Durré and Surviving the Toxic Workplace
Linnda Durré, Ph.D. - Psychotherapist, Writer, Author,
Linnda Durré, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist, writer, author, business consultant, international speaker, corporate trainer, TV and radio talk show host, media guest, and a magazine, Internet, and newspaper columnist. She has appeared on Oprah, 60 Minutes, The Today Show, The O'Reilly Factor (twice), Daytime, Canada AM, Good Morning America, and the local and/or national news programs on CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, NPR, CW, and PBS. She hosted and co-produced "Ask The Family Therapist" on America's Health Network, which was associated with the Mayo Clinic and aired from Universal Studios Orlando. She was the weekly psychotherapist on CW's syndicated morning show, "The Daily Buzz". She hosted and produced, "Personal Success Hotline with Dr. Durré", on a PBS affiliate. She hosted and produced, "The Dr. Linnda Durre Show", on an NPR affiliate. She hosted and produced "The Linnda Durre Show", a celebrity interview radio show in Orlando. She has written for Forbes, AOL, Monster, Orlando Business Journal, A & U Magazine, Orlando Leisure Magazine, In Focus Magazine, and American City Business Journals www.bizjournals.com. She currently writes a bi-monthly column on toxic and difficult bosses foreBossWatch.com.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
4/22-Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and POSITIVITY
How positive are u? take the test.
Dr. Barbara Fredrickson - Positivity
Barbara Fredrickson is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and principal investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory (a.k.a. PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research reveals how positive emotions, fleeting as they are, can tip the scales toward a life of flourishing.
Winner of several awards for her research and teaching – including the American Psychological Association’s inaugural Templeton Prize in Positive Psychology and the Society of Experimental Social Psychology’s Career Trajectory Award – Barb created her broaden-and-build theory to describe how positive emotions evolved for our human ancestors and how, today, they vitally shape people’s health and well-being.
Barb’s scientific contributions have influenced scholars and practitioners worldwide, in disciplines ranging from education to business and beyond. Her research has been featured in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, CNN, PBS, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, Oprah Magazine, and elsewhere. In May 2010, she was invited to brief His Holiness the Dalai Lama on her research.
Barb lives with her husband and two sons in Carrboro, North Carolina, where she continually seeks out new ways to raise her positivity ratio.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
4/15-Dr. Barbara Fredrickson and POSITIVITY
How positive are u? take the test.
Dr. Barbara Fredrickson - Positivity
Barbara Fredrickson is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and principal investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory (a.k.a. PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research reveals how positive emotions, fleeting as they are, can tip the scales toward a life of flourishing.
How positive are u? take the test.
Dr. Barbara Fredrickson - Positivity
Barbara Fredrickson is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and principal investigator of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory (a.k.a. PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research reveals how positive emotions, fleeting as they are, can tip the scales toward a life of flourishing.
Winner of several awards for her research and teaching – including the American Psychological Association’s inaugural Templeton Prize in Positive Psychology and the Society of Experimental Social Psychology’s Career Trajectory Award – Barb created her broaden-and-build theory to describe how positive emotions evolved for our human ancestors and how, today, they vitally shape people’s health and well-being.
Barb’s scientific contributions have influenced scholars and practitioners worldwide, in disciplines ranging from education to business and beyond. Her research has been featured in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, CNN, PBS, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, Oprah Magazine, and elsewhere. In May 2010, she was invited to brief His Holiness the Dalai Lama on her research.
Barb lives with her husband and two sons in Carrboro, North Carolina, where she continually seeks out new ways to raise her positivity ratio.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
4/08-Parenting Without Stress

Sunday, April 1, 2012
4/01-Dr. Linnda Durré and Surviving the Toxic Workplace

Sunday, March 25, 2012
3/25-Stress and Law Enforcement

Sunday, March 18, 2012
3/18-Dr Carol Scott talks to Dr. Michael Heitt
Dr. Michael Heitt - Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Michael Heitt is a licensed psychologist in private
practice. The primary focus of his
clinical and consultative activities center around working with physicians,
executives and other professionals who are dealing with personal and
occupational challenges. He frequently consults to small and mid-size companies
on a variety of workplace and organizational issues, and is recognized by local
Courts as being an expert witness in Clinical Psychology.
Dr. Heitt has presented internationally on topics ranging
from workplace violence and professional impairment to human resources and
personnel development, as well as topics such as psychological ethics, disaster
psychiatry and clinical assessment. He
is a former Chair and Member of the Maryland Psychological Association’s (MPA)
Ethics Committee and is current the Chair of their Colleague Assistance
Dr. Heitt earned his Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree in
clinical psychology from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology in
Chicago in 1996. He is on the faculty of
the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University
School of Education and Loyola University Maryland. Additionally, he is the instructor for the
Maryland State Jurisprudence Licensure Exam preparatory course offered by MPA.
Dealing with (or Being) the Disruptive Professional
It seems like we’re hearing about violence in the workplace,
bullying and general incivility more and more lately. And almost everyone has had a “toxic boss” at
one time or another. What can be done
about the disruptive professional? How
can you learn to manage your stress when you are working with someone who is
particularly disruptive? Our next show
will feature Dr. Michael Heitt, a clinical and consulting psychologist, and we
will address the issue of disruptive behavior in the workplace and how to cope
with this very stressful situation.
For more information about Dr. Heitt’s work with disruptive
professionals and with the organizations in which they work, you can visit his
websites, HeittC3.com and PikesvillePsychologist.com.
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